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Stone Cold Steve Austin Complete BIOGRAPHY

Thursday, June 4, 2009 , Posted by Masterz at 4:39 AM


Height: 6'2"
Weight: 252 pounds
WCW TV Champion (2)
WCW U.S. Champion (2)
WCW Tag Champion (2)
World Tag Team (4)
Intercontinental (2)
WWE Championship (6)
1996 King of the Ring
1997, 1998, 2001 Royal Rumble winner

Date of Birth:
18 December 1964, Austin, Texas, USA

Birth Name:

Steven James Williams

Austin 3:16
The Texas Rattlesnake
Stone Cold
"Stunning" Steve Austin
The Ringmaster
The Extreme Superstar
The Stevester
The Bionic Redneck

Steve Austin is Born!:

Steve Austin was born in 1990 when a 25 year old Steve Williams decided to pursue a life long interest and enrolled in a wrestling school run by Chris Adams. In 1991 'Stunning' Steve Austin debuted in World Championship Wrestling.

Time in WCW and ECW:

Steve Austin spent five years in WCW. He held the TV Title twice, the US Title twice, and the Tag Titles once with the late Brian Pillman.

1991-06-03 Steve defeats Bobby Eaton winning the WCW World TV Championship. On 1992-04-27 Barry Windham defeats Austin for the TV Title in a best of three. Austin's reign fell 9 days short of Arn Anderson's record. 1992-06-23 Steve Austin defeats Barry Windham for his second TV Title reign. On 1992-09-02 Austin loses the title to Ricky Steamboat in a no-DQ match.

1993-03-02 wins Tag Titles with Brian Pillman defeating Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas. The Hollywood Blondes become a top team. Several months later (1993-08-18) Pillman goes on the injured list and Austin loses the Tag Titles, with replacement Steven Regal, to Arn Anderson and Paul Roma. The Blondes breakup.

1993-12-27 Steve defeats Dustin Rhodes (aka Goldust) two out of three to win the US Title. 1994-09-18 Austin regains US Title from Ricky Steamboat, who forfeited due to injury. Jim Duggan defeats Austin immediately after. At this point Austin is no longer given a push and is held back. Eventually Austin goes on the injured list and leaves WCW.

In the summer of 1995 'Superstar' Steve Austin debuts in Extreme Championship Wrestling. Later that year Austin signs with the WWF.

Steve Austin's rise thru the WWF:

Steve Austin debuts as Ted Dibiase's Ringmaster. Soon a feud with Savio Vega leads to a match, 1996-04-28, stipulating that if Austin loses Dibiase must leave the WWF. Austin later claims he threw the match to get rid of Dibiase. Austin begins to take on his Stone Cold persona.

1996-06-23 King of The Ring. Stone Cold defeats Jake 'the Snake' Roberts marking the rise of Austin 3:16. Later that year, Austin begins bad mouthing Bret Hart. At the 1996 Buried Alive, Austin defeats Hunter Hearst-Helmsley (Triple H). 1997 Royal Rumble Austin defeats Bret Hart. At WM XIII Stone Cold loses to Bret Hart in a submission match, passing out rather than submitting. Thus elevating his career even higher.

(1997-05-27) Austin and HBK Shawn Michaels win the Tag Titles defeating Owen Hart and Bulldog. HBK takes time off, Austin is stripped of the Tag Titles. On July 14 Stone Cold is prepared to fight Owen and Bulldog by himself to reclaim the Tag Titles when none other than Dude Love, perhaps better known as Cactus Jack (Mick Foley) came to Stone Cold's aid. Together they defeat Owen and Bulldog to recapture the Tag Team Championship belts.

(1997-08-3) Summer Slam. Austin defeats Owen Hart for his first IC Title win. But vacates the IC and Tag titles due to an injury sustained during the match by a badly executed pile-driver. Stone Cold returns to defeat Owen Hart at Survivor Series (1997-11-09) to win the IC Title a second time. On 1997-12-06 Austin defeats Rocky Maivia (The Rock) retaining the IC Title, however the next night on Raw he hands it to Rocky and goes after the WWF Championship. Actually the Rattlesnake took the IC belt and threw it in a river. Stone Cold eliminated Rocky at the 1998 Royal Rumble, earning his title shot at WrestleMania XIV. Steve Austin defeated HBK with Mike Tyson as the enforcer/referee and has fought to hang on to the title as much as possible since then. Stone Cold held the Tag Titles for a third time with, his then number one contender, the Undertaker. They defeated Kane and Mankind at Fully Loaded 1998. Austin's most recent WWF Championship reign ended when Mankind won a Triple Threat match at Summer Slam 1999.

When Stone Cold walks to the ring in his black boots and black trunks everyone watching the show knows anything can happen (and probably will). Most of Stone Cold's success may be attributed to three words: "Don't trust anybody!"

On Byte This 1999-11-04 Austin said that he is indeed dating Debra, the two went on a hunting trip recently. He likes working with Triple H and said he, or the Undertaker, would be his first choice for a partner if he had to have one. On training he commented, "I like my hamburgers and beer." Austin likes to enjoy life, so he doesn't train as seriously as some other stars. He also mentioned that he may be getting new entrance music. One of his favorite past WWF stars was Ricky Steamboat. Also he remarked that Shawn Michaels was kind of a jackass.

Austin's Injury and Return:

At Survivor Series (1999-11-14) Steve Austin was hit by a car (scripted) in the parking area and Big Show took his place in the Triple Threat WWF Championship match defeating Triple H and Rock. Austin took the time off to undergo surgery to repair some prior injuries to his neck as well as film two more episodes of Nash Bridges which aired May 5 and May 19.

Austin underwent surgery in January of 2000. His return to the WWF in some capacity was definite but his in ring ability was questionable. The doctors stated a recovery time of around 6 months. On 2000-01-30 Stone Cold was interviewed at his home by Jim Ross, the Rattlesnake plans to be back in the ring in 3 to 4 months. But refuses to get back in at less than 100%. Steve was at the pre-WrestleMania show but did not get involved in any matches. His rehabilitation was going well but doctors still were reluctant to say he could ever compete again.

Austin appeared on WWF TV on SmackDown (2000-04-27). The Rattlesnake blew up the DX Express bus after Rock announced that Austin would indeed make an appearance. Then Stone Cold made his presence known at Backlash as he assisted Rock to regain the WWF Championship. Although it was a premature return since he was not physically ready for action.

On 2000-09-13 Steve Austin married Debra in a small Las Vegas ceremony. A couple weeks prior to Unforgiven 2000 Stone Cold announced he was going to be at the show to open the Stone Cold Court of Law and find the person who ran him down. Stating he had waived any legal proceedings he promised to open the biggest can of 'whoop ass' the WWF had ever seen.

Stone Cold continues his investigation through October, which mostly consisted of handing out stunners to much of the locker room. Commissioner Foley ends up suspending Austin until the investigation is finished. Finally on October 09 Rikishi (which didn't make much sense) admits to running Austin down for The Rock. Commissioner Foley signs a match against Rikishi at No Mercy. Then Triple H reveals himself as Rikishi's accomplice, marking his return as a heel. Stone Cold defeats Triple H in a no-DQ match at Survivor Series. Austin finds himself in a Six-Way WWF Championship Match at Armageddon.

January 2001 Stone Cold Steve Austin wins the Royal Rumble for a WWF Championship match. And then at WrestleMania XVII (aka X-Seven) Austin made one of the most surprising heel turns.

Stone Cold defeated The Rock on 2001-04-01 for the WWF Championship (5th time) then defected to the Alliance (WCW and ECW resurrected to take over Sports Entertainment). Austin's ring time decreasesd during this period. He lost the title to Kurt Angle then regained it for a 6th reign as WWF Champion. Austin (WWF Champion) and The Rock (WCW Champion) were defeated by Chris Jericho in a tournament match to name an Undisputed Champion (2001-12-09).

Trade Mark:

Uses a smoking skull logo with his nickname "Stone Cold" imprinted on things he owns (vest, t-shirts,his truck, etc.)

ECW Finisher: The Stun Gun (Dropping his opponent throat first onto the top rope)

Trademark move: Lou Thesz Press

Trademark move (as Stunning Steve Austin): Hollywood and Vine (Shin Grapevine with Achilles Tendon Hold)

Finishing move (as Stunning Steve Austin): Stun Gun (Flapjack with opponent dropped throat first onto the top rope)

Trademark move (as Stunning Steve Austin): That's A Wrap (Standing Figure Four Leglock)

Trademark move: Arn Anderson Spinebuster

Finishing move (as The Ringmaster): Million Dollar Dream (Cobra Clutch)

Trademark move: Axe Handle Elbow Drop

Trademark move: Piledriver

Trademark move: Mudhole Stomping (Corner Stomps)

Finishing move: Stone Cold Stunner (Stunner)


Was the first wrestler to ever kick out of the Rock's finisher "The Rock Bottom" at Wrestlemania XV.

One of the 100 greatest wrestlers of the 20th century. (as determined by Inside Wresting)

The 1996 WWF King of the Ring.

Ranked number 4 in a poll for the best 10 nicknames in wrestling with the nickname "Stone Cold".

Six-time World Wrestling Federation Champion.

Two-time World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion

Three-time World Wrestling Federation Tag-team Champion

Won first WWF title on March 29, 1998 by defeating "The Heartbreak Kid", Shawn Michaels.

Won his latest WWF championship by beating The Undertaker on June 28, 1999

His ex-wife Jeannie, was married to British wrestler "Gentleman" Chris Adams, who trained Austin in the sport. Jeannie served as Austin's valet for several years. She was known as "Lady Blossom" and used to wrestle Adams' second wife Toni, in mixed tag-team matches (Austin would be her partner while Adams teamed with his wife).

Attended the University of North Texas.

Played defensive end for the University of North Texas.

Has had several serious injuries including a neck injury that kept him out of the ring for 8 months.

Lost to Bret Hart - aka Bret The Hitman Hart - in all four of their encounters. While Austin never pinned Bret Hart in a TV/PPV encounter, he did not lose all of their matches. Austin lost Hart's Return match at Survivor Series 1996 and passed out at the "I Quit" match at Wrestlemania 13 (though he never said I quit). However at the April 1997 PPV, Austin won by DQ against Bret when the Hart Foundation interferred while Austin had Bret trapped in Bret's own signature submission move, the Sharpshooter. The following night on Raw, it took several WWF officials to pull Austin off Bret in a "Street Fight" where Austin again had Bret trapped in the Sharpshooter for several mintes. Austin severely injured Bret's leg and allegedly attacked him in the ambulance after the match was over. Since it was a no-DQ match, Austin it is presumed Austin won the match due to Bret's injury.

Met his former wife Debra when she was serving as the valet for Jeff Jarrett in the WWF.

Wrestled in a barbwire match while in the ECW.

Stone Cold got his nickname from his ex wife. She was British and she served Steve Austin some hot tea, and at the time he was thinking of a new nickname because "Stunning" wasn't cool enough anymore. So when his then wife noticed he wasn't drinking his tea she said, "You'd better drink your tea before it gets Stone Cold.". And that is the story of Stone Cold Steve Austin's nickname.

When he won the 1996 King of the Ring tournament, he was trying to get over as a heel (a bad guy)

On March 18, 2002, due to "creative problems", Steve walked out on the WWF and did not show up for the scheduled Raw taping in Montreal. On June 10, 2002, Steve did the exact same thing, walking out and left for home in San Antonio, Texas. Both of these were done without notice and without WWF company approval.

Because there was already a wrestler named Steve Williams, Stone Cold took his name from Lee Majors's character from "The Six Million Dollar Man" (1974), and became Steve Austin.

Steve Austin held the WCW tag title with Brian Pillman. Once beating Steamboat/ Douglas then lost the tag titles when Brian Pillman broke his ankle and was forced to team with Regal.

Has had problems with his right knee since 1995 when he injured it.

He has the claim of fame of being the first wrestler to be fired by fedex. Steamboat and Waltman were soon to follow on that list.

In a recent media interview in Miami, Vince McMahon owner of the WWE admitted he looks forward to seeing Steve Austin back in the WWE in 2003. This is the first time since Austin walked out on the WWE that Vince has spoken about his wish for Austin to return. At the time of Austin's walkout Vince said that Austin would never work for the WWE again, however a slump in ratings and a lack of main event talent has lead Vince to make a U-turn about Steve Austin. When Steve Austin returns it appears he will be on the Smackdown roster as he prefers working with wrestlers like Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Edge.

One reason for his falling-out with WCW was his wanting to team with WCW newcomer Hulk Hogan, which Eric Bischoff stated that he couldn't see happening.

After Wrestlemania XIX Austin was forced to realise that his already injured and surgically repaired neck could no longer take the pounding it takes from active wrestling. Steve Austin was forced to retire from wrestling and instead took up an on air role as Co-General Manager of RAW. However just recently (June 2003) after seeing how Kurt Angle has made a quick return from a new kind of neck surgery, Austin has spoken about possibly getting the same treatment or having some form of surgery so that he could possibly have one last match or maybe work a light wrestling schedule similar to the one Shawn Michaels wrestles. Right now Austin says he is postponing treatment to concentrate on establishing himself as a GM and when the time comes in the next few months he will look at surgery.

The gold chain "Stone Cold" wears was given to him by his tag team partner at the time, the late "Flyin" Brian Pillman right before they made their debut as "The Hollywood Blondes" in WCW.

He has 2 children with his ex-wife Jeannie. He adopted the child Jeannie had from her first marriage.

Was the first person to enter the WWE arena when _"Raw Is War" (1997)_ debuted on TNN.

In his spare time, he enjoys game-hunting on his Texas ranch.

Another of his hobbies is collecting antiques.

While in WCW, he once traveled with Mick Foley and Dallas Page. Because Page was so easy to rile up on a trip, he and Foley pulled a number of stunts trying to see how long it would take Page to crack.

Real life best friends are The Rock, Mick Foley and Bill Goldberg.

As of April 17, 2004, Steve is considering doing a program (and possibly a match) with Bill Goldberg in Japan.

Notable Title Wins Include: WCW World Television Title (2); WCW World Tag Team Title w/Brian Pillman; WCW United States Heavyweight Title (2); WWF King of the Ring 1996; WWF Royal Rumble winner 1997, 1998, 2001; WWF Tag Team Title w/Shawn Michaels; WWF Tag Team Title w/Dude Love; WWF Intercontinetial Title (2); WWF Federation Title (6); WWF Tag Team Title w/Undertaker; WWF Tag Team Title w/Triple H

When Steve joined ECW, he would mock older wrestlers such as Hulk Hogan, Macho Man and cut contraversial promos on Eric Bischoff. He had a intense rivalry with the Sandman before leaving for the WWF.

Says his best match is the Submission match he had with Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13 in 1997.

Learned the Stone Cold Stunner from Michael PS Hayes (once a member of the Fabulous Freebirds).

The "What?" gimmick started on an August 2001 episode of RAW, during the time he was the ring leader of the WCW faction. While asking Hugh Morrus (Bill DeMott) why he lost his last match, he followed up each question with "What?". It quickly became part of the wrestling crowd's vocabulary, even though Austin himself doesn't say, "What?" anymore while cutting promos. Surprisingly, the "What?" chants have also become part of Kurt Angle's gimmick.

Same birthday as Brad Pitt, Casper Van Dien and Steven Spielberg.

Shares the same birthday as fellow WWE Superstars Trish Stratus and Rob Van Dam.

Debuted in The WWE in 1996 as The Ringmaster.

In 1999 was the Storyline CEO of The WWE.

After leaving Raw in November 2003, returned in January as The Sheriff of Raw.

Former Co-General Manager of RAW.

In his Wrestlemania debut, defeated Savio Vega.

Austin formed a tag team with Brian Pillman. The team was dubbed the Hollywood Blondes

Austin debuted in ECW as "The Extreme Superstar"

Former WCW Tag Team Champion.

Former WCW United States Champion.

When he was going to make his WWE debut against "good guy" Bret Hart, Austin based his "don't give a damn" character from a movie called the Ice Man, a movie about a cold-hearted killer. He believes that this would give him an edge to become a villain. His ex-wife Jeanie gave him the nickname "Stone Cold". But when facing Hart, he was shocked that everyone was cheering for him. Since then, Stone Cold Steve Austin became an "anti-hero" and would use his finishing move, the Stone Cold Stunner, on anyone who gets in the ring with him; whether the person is good or bad.

Adam Sandler ranks him as one of his all time favorite co-stars

Austin trained five months at Chris Adam's wrestling school.

Former WCW Television champion.

Favorite actors include John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Leigh Taylor-Young.

In his professional debut, Austin, wrestling under his real name, defeated Frogman Lablanc. He received $40 for the night.

Former World Tag Team Champion.

Former TWF Tag Team Champion.

In his first appearance of "Nash Bridges" (1996), his In-Ring theme music from wrestling is playing in the background.

Will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in Houston, Texas, April 4th 2009 -the night before Wrestlemania 25 - the first inductee of the "Class of 2009".

Personal Quotes:"

Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!

And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!

You treat me like a dog and you expect me to smile? You remind me of a jack ass.

I'll drop you on that stack of dimes you call a neck!

...and that's all I gotta say about THAT!


I'm goin' stomp a mudhole in ya and walk it dry!

Know your role!

Where Are They Now:

(May 2003) Back on Raw as the Co-General Manager with Eric Bishoff. Retired from wrestling due to injuries.

(November 2003) Was "fired" from his job as co-general manager of RAW, but expected to be back in time for Wrestlemania XX (2004)

(January 2004) Back on Raw as the Sheriff. Has power over Eric Bishoff

(January 2005) Hosted a Press Conference in LA with Vince McMahon to announce a 3 picture deal with WWE Films, the new movie production branch of the WWE

(April 2005) Will be back at WrestleMania 21 competing in the Piper's Pit.

(2005) Stars in Adam Sandler's adaption of The Longest Yard.

(October 2005) Will face Johnathan "The Coach" Coachman at Taboo Tuesday. If he wins, J.R. will be rehired and if her loses, he will be fired.

(November 2005) Scheduled to face Jonathan "The Coach" Coachman at the "Taboo Tuesday" PPV. The stipulation for the match states that if Austin wins, Jim Ross will be rehired; if he loses, J.R. will be fired. This will be Austin's first match since Wrestlemania 19 in 2003.

(November 2005) Was scheduled to wrestle Johnathan "The Coach" Coachman at the "Taboo Tuesday" PPV, but pulled out of the match because he learned he would be 'jobbing' to "The Coach," and said that he was not impressed with the Jim Ross storyline.

(April 2006) Will be inducting Bret Hart into the 2006 WWE Hall Of Fame

(March 2007) Will be inducting Jim Ross into the WWE Hall Of Fame.
2009 WRESTLEMANIA 25 AUSTIN INDUCTED AS HALL OF FAME..the first inductee of the "Class of 2009".

Austin 3:16:

When Steve Austin defeated World Wrestling Federation veteran Jake 'The Snake' Roberts at the 1996 King of the Ring, Stone Cold informed the 'Snake' and the world that, "Austin 3:16 says: I just whooped your ass!"

Some people have a problem with this quote, feeling that its sacrilegious. Well I didn't see the Jake Roberts vs Stone Cold match and don't know if Austin created the line or the marketing department but I'm sure no sacrilegious intentions were present. If anything, Roberts character at the time may've been sacrilegious but I don't know what the man's true beliefs were. In any case,

John 3:16 is: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

A very important line in the Bible, which Roberts quoted at the event. This provoked Austin's response of Austin 3:16.

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